Home Law Pornography Laws in Connecticut: Your Personal Guide 2023

Pornography Laws in Connecticut: Your Personal Guide 2023

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Pornography Laws in Connecticut: Your Personal Guide

Pornography Laws in Connecticut

The United States has specific restrictions on pornography at the federal level. Connecticut also has some laws and regulations on pornography. Violating these laws and regulations is a legal offense. Also, it can lead to punishment or penalties. Therefore, it is essential to know pornography laws and regulations to keep yourself out of legal complexities and make informed decisions. Today, we will discuss pornography laws in Connecticut and the consequences of violating the law. So, keep reading to learn some important factors. Also, don’t forget to read about pornography laws in Washington.

Obscenity Law for Minors in Connecticut

According to the Connecticut Pornography law, obscenity towards minors is a punishable offense. As per the law, a person is guilty of obscenity towards minors who knowingly promotes to minors for monetary consideration any sexual act or material prohibited to minors. 

  • It is important to note that certain sexual materials that are non-obscene in the case of adults can be ‘obscene as to minors’ (CGS § 53a-196). A person guilty of committing obscenity toward minors can be sentenced to 1 to 5 years of prison, a $5000 penalty, or both. (CGS § 53a-196).
  • Any material that is obscene to a child or minor that depicts a restricted or prohibited sexual act and taken as a whole.
  • A ‘prohibited sexual act’ may include nude performance [CGS§ 53a-193(3)]. A prohibited sexual act’ to minors includes displaying male and female genitalia, the pubic area of the buttock, and women’s breasts with less than a fully opaque covering.

Obscenity Law for Adults in Connecticut

Pornography Laws in Connecticut

Connecticut has a clear and well-defined pornography law to ensure public welfare and safety. Connecticut pornography law also includes obscenity towards adults as a crime or punishable offense. It is a class B misdemeanor to knowingly possess, advertise, sell, distribute, or exhibit obscene materials, and a violation of this rule can lead to a $1,000 penalty to 6 months in prison or both. 

  • A person is guilty when they knowingly commit obscenity towards adults, i.e., having or possessing, promoting, or intent to promote any material that they know contains any obscene performance or material. 
  • The word’ obscene material’, defined by CGS § 53a-193(10), is anything that has characteristics that can used to evoke shameful, prurient, or morbid interest by reading, observation, sound, visuals, or any other manner. 
  • The word ‘promote’ defined by CGS § 53a-193(12), means to manufacture, issue, sell, give, provide, lend, mail, deliver, transfer, publish, distribute, circulate, disseminate, present, exhibit, advertise, produce, direct, or take part in.

Punishment for possessing child pornography in Connecticut 

Connecticut pornography law is constructed with the idea of preventing sex-related crimes, child abuse, and exploration. The pornography law also includes a list of penalties and punishments for possessing child pornography content depending on the quality of the possession and the seriousness of the case. It has three levels of punishment for violating the law and illicit possession of child pornography by an adult – first-degree, second-degree, and third-degree. Below are the details of each degree-

  • First Degree

First-degree child pornography possession is serious it is when a person knowingly possesses more than 50 photographs/videos or another form of child pornography material. It falls under a Class B felony, and the punishment for this is 20 years of prison to a $15,000 fine or both. You can learn more about first-degree child pornography punishment or class B felony conviction from the official portal of the Connecticut government.

  • Second Degree

As an adult, a person is guilty of possessing child porn in the second degree when they are found with more than 20 but less than 50 photographs, videos, or other material that contains the characteristics of ‘obscenity as to minors’ or depicts ‘obscenity as to minors’ is a class C felony and punishment for this crime a fine up to $10,000 and sentenced up to 10 years. It is less serious than the first degree but more serious than the third degree.

  • Third Degree

An adult person guilty of knowingly possessing less than 20 child pornography content (whether in the form of pictures, videos, unprocessed films, or other forms) in the third degree is a class a D felony, and punishment for this act will result in 5 years of prison and a fine up to $5,000.

Possessing Child Pornography as a Minor

There are also cases of minors in the possession of child pornography, which is different from adults in the possession of child pornography. In such cases where a minor possesses or receives child pornographic content (mostly from friends or significant other) through sexting can be imprisoned for one year and fined up to $2,000 for the crime.

Connecticut Teen Sexting Law 

Connecticut pornography law also includes some restrictions for teen sexting to save minors from child abuse or exploitation. Connecticut law punishes both teenagers who are the sender of ‘sext,’ a form of transmitting child pornography via electronic medium, and the receiver of ‘sext.’

A child under the age of 12-17 knowingly or voluntarily sending images of themselves via electronic communication devices, which is considered child pornography, and receivers under 12-17 who get possession of the content are both guilty of violating teenage sexting law.

Are There Any Defenses to Possession of Child Pornography? 

C.G.S. §53a-196g defines a few affirmative defenses against the charges of possessing child pornography. For instance, a person (adult) who unknowingly or unwillingly come into possession of less than three visual depictions of child pornographic content and immediately takes step to destroy the illicit content after knowing about it following a mandatory report to the government authority cannot be convicted as an offender of child pornography law or guilty of knowingly possessing child pornography content/material.


Connecticut, as a part of the United States, has some sort of restrictions on pornography to save individual rights and prevent exploitation, abuse, and sex-related crimes, especially towards minors. 

The pornography laws in Connecticut are also very strict, and you can expect the government to take stern actions if the pornography laws and regulations are violated. Above, we have discussed pornography law in Connecticut and the consequences one can face if one violates the laws.

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